jueves, 16 de abril de 2020


 Living a balanced christian life
* Read  and answer.

Jeff, Canada
What kind of music do I listen to? I listen to all kinds of music, every genre of music I have and the type of music I listen to depends on the type of mood I'm in, so if it's night time and I want to relax, I listen to classical. If I'm doing work, I want to listen to something mellowmellow or if I'm exercising, I listen to something more upbeatupbeat so I love all kinds of music and it just depends on my mood.
Shibika, India
I like listening to Indian music in fact, all kinds of Indian music, and I like listening to English music as well but I don't prefer to listen to rap.
Fred, Canada
My favorite music would have to be Jazz. I love Jazz from the bottom of my heart from the bottom of my heart. I think it's music that's suits me. It really brings out so many great emotions in me. It's also a way for me to relax and just enjoy my time and I just really love it. It makes me feel good.
Lupe, United States / Mexico
I'm a music lover so when people ask me what my favorite type of music is I really never have a straight answer. I love to listen to all types of music and I love listening to Spanish music, English Music. I have favorite singers, not necessarily a favorite genre. I really listen to whatever I'm in the mood for. If I'm going out I love fast music so that I can dance. If I just want to relax, I'll listen maybe to a little bit of jazz, blues, or just lounging music.
Rebecca. Australia
What kind of music do I like? The music I like best is the bands that play live in the pubs. Generally, they are really good to go and watch. We have a lot of bands come through my town where I live. Generally every Saturday night we go to a band and watch it. It's better than listening to it on the radio.
Swinky, Kenya
What kind of music do I like? My tastes are so diverse. I can't really point out what kind of music I like but I'm more inclined to R&B and you know nature music, like listening to whales listening to each other and I also like Bollywood music and reggae, some styles of reggae are really enjoyable.


 KEY: a,c,b,b,a 

* Write sentences with the words in red. 
 Send THE SENTENCES by email tochusesglishanexalugo@gmail.com

* Listen to the conversation between a patient and a doctor.


 NOW...It's your turn. You can choose between A or B.
            A) Record a video about your knowledge about coronavirus.
            B) Write an essay about coronavirus.

 Send A OR B by email tochusesglishanexalugo@gmail.com

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