lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

HOMEWORK fifth grade ( FROM 25TH MAY TO 29TH MAY)

Have a nice week ahead! - Dadin Kowa StarTimes | Facebook                                                                                                             

* Numbers(ordinal and cardinal)
* Dates
* What time is it?
*What do you look like?
*Sports( do/go/play) homework 16th March
* Sport equipment.
* Time tenses: Present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous.
* Irregular verbs from BE to FIGHT

Check your answers (don't email them to me) 

 An architect is  a person who/that designs building and houses.
A baker is  a person who/that    makes bread and cakes .
A bricklayer  is  a person who/that     helps to build houses using bricks.
A bus driver  is  a person who/that drives buses.
A butcher  is  a person who/that    works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop.
A carpenter is  a person who/that     makes things from wood including houses and furniture.
A chef/Cook is  a person who/that  cooks food for others, often in a restaurant or café.
A cleaner is  a person who/that    cleans/tidies an area or place (such as in an office)
A dentist is  a person who/that can fix problems you have with your teeth( cavities, put  a filling)
A designer is  a person who/that  has the job of designing things.
A doctor is  a person who/that you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem.
A dustman/refuse collector is  a person who/that t collects trash/rubbish from bins in the street.
* Copy the definitions in your English notebook. Study them too. 
* Choose the job.


Taxi __1) this person drives a taxi for a living.
Answer = A. cook B. doctor C. taxi driver D. waiter
_____ 2) this person teaches students in a high school for a living.
Answer = A. student B. dentist C. teacher D. bus driver
_____ 3) this person sings songs for a living.
Answer= A. singer B. Hairdresser C. waiter D. truck driver
_____ 4) this person drives a truck for a living.
Answer= A. Nurse B. doctor C. postal worker D. truck driver
_____ 5) this person cooks food in a restaurant for a living.
Answer= A. chef B. Police officer C. student D. teacher
_____ 6) this person works at the police station and helps to fights crime and prevent it
Answer= Nurse B. student C. singer D. Policeman / policewomen
_____ 7) this person serves food in a restaurant or a cafe for a living.
Answer= A. Waiter/waitress B. student C. singer D. chef
_____ 8) this person studies at school and sometimes college and university.
Answer= A. truck driver B. singer C. student D. dentist
_____ 9) this person takes care of teeth for a living.
Answer = A. Hotel worker B. chef C. dentist D. fire fighter
_____ 10) this person works in a hospital and treats sick people for a living.
Answer= A. doctor B. teacher C. student D. truck driver
_____ 11) this person works in a post office and brings letters for a living.
Answer= A. student B. postal worker C. fire fighter D. waiter
_____ 12) this person fights fires and drives a fire engine for a living.
Answer= A. Policeman B. chef C. fire fighter D. nurse
_____ 13) this person cuts peoples hair for a living.
Email the answers to
 * Watch this video
* Answer this question:
What is his/ her  job?
1. He's an actor
 Email the answers to



1.Pay attention- Watch the video
2. Practise: Did you understand the animation "My town"?
* Giving directions and ordinal numbers.
1.1 Practise and learn.
* Practise
- Give the correct directions.
Listen and identify the directions.
3.1 Practise and learn 

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