lunes, 29 de enero de 2024


"There is no road to Peace. Peace is the way"(Gandhi)

The School Day of Peace and Non-Violence was first celebrated in 1964.  
It was founded by the Spanish poet  Llorenc Vidal in Majorca for a pacifying and non-violent education.Its objective is to educate for and about tolerance, solidarity, agreement and respect for Human Rights, non-violence and peace. On this day, primary and secondary schools turn into instruments of peace and understanding among people of distinct occupations, races, cultures and religions.
The basic message of this day is: “Universal Love, Non-Violence and Peace.”

Furthermore, January 30th commemorates the death of the national and spiritual leader of India, Mahatma Gandhi, who was shot and killed by a fanatical Hindu on January 30th, 1948.
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