miércoles, 24 de enero de 2024


What is your job/occupation? 
How long have you been working there? 
How long would you like to work there? 
Do you like your job? Why/Why not? 
Can you describe a typical day at work? 
What time do you start?
 What do you have to do every day?
 What do you want to do in the future? 
What is your mother’s or father’s job?
 Would you like to do the same job(s) in the future? 
Why/Why not? What is the most difficult job? Why?
 What is the most interesting job? Why? 
Would you like to do it? 
Do you think being a student is a hard job?
Would you like to be a teacher one day?
 Are you working from 9 to 5? 
What is an ideal job?
Can you describe your current job?
What do you think about working “overtime”? 
Do you work overtime?
 Do you have lunch at work? 
Do you think companies should provide beverages and some food to their workers?
Can you go out at lunch?
 Which one is more important: making a lot of money or enjoying your job?Ç
Can women and men work in the same jobs? 
Is there any job that a woman or a man can’t do?
 Do you think you earn enough money from the work you are doing?
Do you like your boss/ Do you get along with her/him? 
How old do women and men retire in your country?
 Do you think it is an ideal age to retire?
 Would you like to have an extra job?
 Have you ever worked part-time? 
Is working part-time better?
Do you work online? 
What are the advantages and disadvantages of working online?
 Do you work in an office? Do you like it? 

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